Gulf Coast Center For

Archives for February 2014

50% of youth who have bee

50% of youth who have been victims of both dating violence and rape attempt suicide. #TeenDatingViolence

The Faces of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking has many faces, but help is available. Contact our Center if you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking who needs help. Learn more about trafficking at the Office for Victims of Crime.

Are you prepared to talk

Are you prepared to talk to your child about their dating relationship? What would you do if they disclosed there was violence involved?

Being physically or sexua

Being physically or sexually abused makes teen girls six times more likely to become pregnant and twice as likely to get a STI.

Survivor Brittany Henders

Survivor Brittany Henderson speaks out about her experience with teen dating violence.

33% of teens have witness

33% of teens have witness an act of dating violence. Bystander intervention is a great way that teens can help.

Violent relationships in

Violent relationships in adolescence increase the risk substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior & further domestic violence.

RT @BreaktheCycleDV: Get

RT @BreaktheCycleDV: Get the word out – tell followers to join our Thunderclap and reach over 200,000 teens about healthy relationships htt…

Did you know that about 7

Did you know that about 72% of eighth and ninth graders are “dating?” #TeenDatingViolence

Saving Animals and Families Everyday

A great way to show your support!

Just drop off your donated items to the Humane Society of South Mississippi in either of its thrift store locations (Gulfport or Ocean Springs) and let them know you're donating on behalf of the Women's Center. They will then provide us with vouchers our clients can then use to purchase clothing or household items for their family!

Upcoming Events


Moonlight Masquerade 2024

White Pillars Restaurant

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