Help do your part to spread awareness of domestic violence during the month of October by:
- Participating in our Purple4Peace Bridge Walk this Thursday, October 3rd, at 9am. Wear purple and join us in walking from Ocean Springs to Biloxi and back, across the OS/Biloxi bridge!
- Wear purple ribbons or a purple Center bracelet in support of DV awareness
- Have your workplace or group wear purple on Thursdays and send us a photo. We’ll put it up on our Facebook page as part of “Purple4Peace Thursdays” this month!
- Download or copy our status updates and use them to post or Tweet each day this month to help raise awareness.
- Help support Adrienne’s House by logging into Facebook on October 15th and voting for us to win a new van from Toyota’s 100 Cars For Good Program! You can use the link below to go vote for us!