We’re placing a call out to all the Real Men of the MS Coast! Are you strong enough to brave a one-mile walk in high heels? Are you a man who is willing to stand up against violence against women? Then we NEED YOU!
The Center will host its 6th Annual Walk A Mile In Her Shoes event Friday, April 21st, at the Biloxi Lighthouse Pier. Check-in begins at 8am, and the walk begins at 9am. Participation is totally free, and you can bring your own shoes (feel free to bling them out any way you like!) or you can use a pair of our shoes. While this is considered a “men’s walk,” ALL ARE WELCOME – men, women, and children are all free to walk or watch, with or without the high heels. The important thing is to show up and show your support! Get a team together from your unit, business, or club, and come walk together!
Registration and more info is available at gcwcfn.org/wam2017. See you there!